Re: raft thickness Hello, when the raft thickness is 75 cm, the required reinforcement area is 18 cm2. This value comes from the minimum reinforcement condition. Minimum As = 100 * (Raft Height-Concrete Cover Thickness) * minReinforcement Ratio MinimumAs=100*(75-3)*0.0025 = 18 cm2 At 35 cm raft height, the minimum reinforcement area is 8cm2. MinimumAs=100*(35-3)*0.0025 = 8 cm2 The reinforcement diameter you allow in the selection of reinforcement and the reinforcement spacing conditions you allow in the raft parameters are sufficient to meet 8 cm2 reinforcement, but not enough to meet 18 cm2 reinforcement. Therefore, when you receive a missing As message at 75 cm thickness, you do not receive this message at 35 cm. The amount of reinforcement calculated from the design moment in both thicknesses is less than the minimum amount of reinforcement. For 35 cm mat thickness, you can see that the stapling strength remains greater than the stapling force in the stapling results in the radial report. There is no stapling error as control is provided.