Is There Any Licensed According to Earthquake Regulation 2018?


New Member
I wonder if anyone got a license or got a project approved according to the new regulation, we haven't had any action in our business for 2 months. Good work everyone...
Re: Is There Any License According to Earthquake Regulation 2018? Not yet in Siirt. If so, my project will be the first. I am having the same troubles..
Re: Is there a license according to the Earthquake Code 2018?
"huseyinakkus56":3m19thjm" said:
Not in Siirt yet. If it does, my project will be the first. I have the same problems..[ /quote] I understand that you have entered the project, is there a return or what part is the troublesome situation about? For example, there is a problem with Chapter 6 and walled analysis in Eskişehir.
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Code 2018?
"Ismail Hakki Besler":2cpwrbrb" said:
6.1.3 If the weight of the non-structural element or equipment is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor it is located on , element or equipment shall be considered as part of the building structural system, in this case mass of element or equipment with stiffness properties of the connection to the building will be taken into account in the earthquake calculation of the building carrier system 1) [ color=#FF0000]It is obvious that the mass of the element or hardware[/color] should be taken into account in the structural system calculation according to its location ( ideCAD takes this into account and calculates the mass of the element or hardware into the carrier system calculation. 2) It is obvious that the stiffness properties of the connection of the element or equipment to the building should also be taken into account in the structural system calculation. .This sentence element and do He's talking about the connection of the house or the wall to the building. Someone explain to me how they can deduce from this sentence that the walls themselves should be included in the calculation of the DGT carrier system. I talked about this issue with my professors from ITU as well, and they did not express their opinion that the walls themselves should be included in the system according to their strength. However, it is obvious that non-bearing walls are included in the system calculation in SGTD, that is, nonlinear time history and pushover analysis, and how they will be included. In the section of the calculation of the relative storey drifts (a) In case the hollow or non-void infill walls and facade elements made of brittle material are completely adjacent to the frame elements, without any flexible joints or connections between them: the maximum hoteling is allowed as 0.008 in reinforced concrete buildings (b) Made of brittle material In case flexible joints are made between infill walls and frame members, facade elements are connected with flexible connections to outer frames, or the infill wall element is independent of the frame: max hotelem is allowed as 0.016 in reinforced concrete buildings. In this case, the following sanction has been imposed: However, in this case, the jointed infill wall elements are not flexible Based on experimentation [/color][/u] according to 1.4, the in-plane horizontal displacement capacities of infill wall elements and flexible connected facade elements provide the limit value given in Eq.(4.34b) will be documented. An example flexible joint application for infill walls is given in Annex 4C. 1.4. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN In cases where there are not sufficient calculation models, a large number of similar components are used, or in experimental studies to verify the assumptions used in the design, the principles given in TS EN 1990 Annex D or equivalent international rules will be taken into account, and the certification procedures will be according to 1.2.3. will be done. 1.2.3 According to this Regulation, buildings designed under the influence of earthquakes, in terms of material and workmanship conditions, Turkish Standards and General Technical Specification of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Construction Materials Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 10.07.2013 and numbered 28703, dated 26.06.2009 and the Regulation on the Criteria for Construction Materials published in the Official Gazette No. 27270.
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Re: Is there a license according to the Earthquake Regulation 2018? no, there was no such request. Ismail Bey is interpreting as he said. The control authority here.
Re: Is There Any License According to Earthquake Regulation 2018?
"saridurmus":32r2id5d" said:
no, there was no such request. İsmail Bey comments as he said Control authority here.
Thank you .So you didn't make the equivalent earthquake load calculation in Chapter 6.
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Regulation 2018? Hello, I got the license for the residential type building I designed with idecad version 10.03 in Antalya. (Single-direction gear system, dts=3, ductility level mixed) Good luck to everyone. Good work...
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Regulation 2018?
"static_prj_ant07":1cb0gcy9" said:
Hi, I got the license for the residential type building I designed with idecad version 10.03 in Antalya. gear system, dts=3, ductility level mixed) I wish everyone good luck.Good work...
Are these calculations requested?
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Code 2018? No. There was no response regarding the 6th part of the regulation. My personal opinion is that it should not be modeled. Modeling requires precision (it should not try to pull, etc.) Also it is difficult to determine the rigidity of the walls (it can even change from master to master). This may leave it on the unsafe side etc... Good work...
Re: Is There Any License According to Earthquake Code 2018?
"MrtGrsl":1k1d7voc" said:
"huseyinakkus56":1k1d7voc" said:
Not in Siirt yet. If so, my project will be the first. I'm having the same problems..
You entered a project, is there a response that I understand, or what part is the troublesome situation about? For example, there is a problem with Section 6 and walled analysis in Eskişehir.
Due to the geotechnical issue.. "Is the geotechnical report requested for each structure, who can prepare the report" was not clear. They called the ministry. When the Ministry says, "Geotechnical engineering does not necessarily have to prepare the geotechnical report," we will prepare the report ourselves. We download the "geotechnical and data report" related to the content of the report from the JMO website and examine the content with a friend of the Geological Engineer. We will prepare and present; Let's see now..
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Regulation 2018?
"static_prj_ant07":1nludtfg" said:
No. There has been no return regarding the 6th part of the regulation. My personal opinion is that it should not be modelled. Its modeling requires precision (it should not try to pull etc.) and it is difficult to determine the rigidity of the walls (it can even vary from master to master). This may leave it on the unsafe side, etc... Good work...
There is no return on the equivalent earthquake force.
Re: Is There a License According to Earthquake Code 2018?
"MrtGrsl":qjvgm1eu" said:
"static_prj_ant07":qjvgm1eu" said:
No. There was no response regarding the 6th part of the regulation. My personal opinion is that it should not be modeled. Modeling requires precision (it should not try to pull, etc.) and it is difficult to determine the rigidity of the walls (even from master to master). This can leave it on the unsafe side, etc... Good work...
There is no return on the equivalent earthquake force.[/ quote] No, there isn't.