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Hello everyone, as an earthquake load calculation method in idecad; *** Horizontal story forces calculated by combining mode contributions (Improved equivalent earthquake load method) ***Combination of mode contributions (mode combining method) is available from the element-specific results. 1) When we analyze according to the mode combining method, it is said that "A1 and B2 irregularities are not important (TDY". We don't need to check A1 and B2 when the solution is made with the mode combination method, does it mean that we should not take it into account even if A1 and B2 irregularities occur in the structure, *****Relative translation-second-order effects-A2-A3-B1-B3-overturning? I think it's enough to look at the **** controls. As you know in programs such as sap2000, these controls cannot be made by the program, excel etc. We are doing it in environments, so I guess there is no need to check A1 and B2 for nothing? 2) The weight of the building we designed in İdecad is the value given as the free mass of the building in the report. If this is the value, does this value include fixed loads such as concrete-iron-pavements-wall loads, and also the loads that you define manually (for example, a point load defined on the floor) within this weight? 3) My last question is, for example, we made an analysis with the mod combination method and let's say 54 mods were output. Of course, the period value is different for each mode. What value should we take from the report as the period of the structure?