Hi speedrex, Mr. İsmail gave a bit of a harsh answer with a reproachful attitude, but he will probably be fed up with this size comparison. It seems normal to me that there is a difference of 30 tons in a project. I have been preparing projects for 6 years. I can really say that there is no building type that I can't handle. I say this not as a know-it-all, but to state that I have done enough projects to compare. Unfortunately, especially in apartment type projects, the contractor's quantity problem I used the mentioned software for 5 years. I even modeled the 2-storey building with both the mentioned software and ETABS. I was using ETABS for calculations and designs, and I was using the mentioned software for formwork and beam drawings. There would always be a difference in the results. Over the years, I used ETABS. I gave a lot of feedback to those concerned.In a software that solves the beamless slab flooring system with the moment transfer frame method with tape beams. we're talking about. And moreover, many engineers who do not know what this means can prepare 20-floor projects in this way. It's like a joke... As we were designing with ETABS, our quantity was higher than the market, so we would spend our time explaining our problems and even have to prepare benchmark reports. The majority of the Istanbul market uses the mentioned software. Unfortunately, this is the case even in 30-storey buildings in Fikirtepe urban transformation. The contractor is rightly told that he is an engineer and you are an engineer, why is there such a difference? However, we are a nation that goes to at least 2 doctors when we get sick and says that not every doctor is good. Why should the engineers who design the spaces we live in be any different! I have been following ideCAD since 2007. I started using it professionally 7 months ago. I made a conscious choice after trying for years. I have also made notifications for ideCAD since I started using it. But since everything is spoken openly and transparently here, users are more aware of what is missing or about to be fixed. I can safely say that ideCAD is a much better software right now. What happens in the future, time will tell. I always recommend starting with simple steps when making comparisons. For example, start with the 2-story building. Next, compare the low-rise buildings with irregular plans, as in the project you sent. Next, increase the number of floors. So, step by step, you can more easily understand where the difference starts. But even the currently mentioned software and ideCAD building analysis models are not the same. I haven't looked at your model in detail. The ones that caught my eye are as follows: 1- Curtains are especially important in a building whose plan is so irregular. Your elevator curtain contributes very little to the building. Although it is in the 4th degree earthquake zone, I suggest you increase the curtain ratio. If not, I'd stretch the columns a little longer. 2- Beams also need regulation. Do not stud a 60x32 beam into a weaker beam such as a 25x32 beam. 3- Loads of 148 kg and 15 g on the floor (you don't need to load so much, just round it up) seem like little to me. I guess the floors don't have walls on them. But even just 5 cm of screed is 100 kg/m2. 4- Fixed load on the 15 cm low floors on the basement ceiling is 0. There will definitely be a coating here. You should also make your beam depths a minimum of 54 cm as per the regulation. If you are going to make a beamless plate, delete the 35 cm deep beams and analyze with a semi-rigid diaphragm solution. 5- In some hollow floor slabs, the plate thickness should be 12 cm instead of 7 cm. There is no load difference. Could it have been done by mistake? 6- C30 concrete class was used for columns and walls, and C25 concrete class was used for floors and beams. It is a really difficult job to follow in construction. Even the maximum axial load limit in the code is not met if the columns on the lower floor are accidentally poured C25. 7- In a structure whose plan is irregular in this way, I definitely recommend you to solve with a semi-rigid diaphragm. (You cannot do this with the aforementioned software) 8- If you are going to make a highly ductile solution, it is necessary to pay attention to the column-dirt junction area controls. In some combinations in your structure, the regulation limits are not provided.