Inability to load force and moment EX Ey to the column

Hello, I am having a problem for the industrial building project I am doing. I need to calculate the column feet and foundation of the building, which has a steel structure on top. However, after placing the columns on the axles, only the G and Q loads appear when describing the loads coming from the steel structure to the column heads. The installation path I followed is as follows: I choose Column=>right click=>Add load=>Point load, only G and Q are displayed in the loading state in the window that comes up. As far as I can see in the help file of the program and watch videos on the internet, it appears in loads like EX Ey. I would be glad if you help.
"puncover":87l10nai" said: There were messages in the link that would help me.
Thank you very much for your information. When I saw the page you gave, I realized that in the "Linear Static Analysis Status" window, should we activate the "Use in reinforced concrete design" box under the Element design title.
"[email protected]":afxlw1wq" said:
Thank you very much for the information you provided. I realized when I saw the page you provided. Do we need to activate the "Use in reinforced concrete design" box under Element design in the "Linear Static Analysis Status" window.[/ quote] Hello You must mark the lines "Use in reinforced concrete design" and "Use in soil tension control" if it will be used in the dialogs of the loading combinations you have defined in the User Defined Combinations section.
Dear Levet Özpak, I am applying this system in small columns that we call pedestal and I think it is appropriate. But let's say that a serious amount of steel or other system loads, including earthquake, come to the 3-storey reinforced concrete building. In this case, will the combinations we have written be considered as earthquake combinations? Or what should we do for it to be taken into account
"sereze":3jn820mm" said:
Mr. Levet Özpak, I am applying this system on small columns we call pedestal and I think it is appropriate. But let's say that a 3-storey reinforced concrete building receives a serious amount of steel or various loads, including earthquake, from another system. In this case, will the combinations we write be considered as earthquake combinations? Or what should we do to take them into account?
Hello, seismic loading combinations specified in TBDY 2018 are made automatically in the program. User-defined loading combinations are not earthquake-related loading combinations. Seismic loading combinations of your loadings If you want it to be used together with the user-defined combination, you have to define it. Additionally, it is appropriate to model reinforced concrete and steel buildings together.