In 2018 earthquake regulation, additional floor or


New Member
First of all, good morning everyone. he has a building that was licensed as 3 floors in 2004 and has two floors and the third floor has not been built. The owner of the building is pushing to complete it in addition to 3 floors. The municipality stated that if the building is dissolved in accordance with the new earthquake regulation, it can issue a license. naturally, I made a performance evaluation for the existing building (including the additional floor) and planning the next floor.
Re: I wonder if there is an additional user interested in the existing structure in the 2018 earthquake code, who can reach the result?
Re: Check the geometry of the additional ka project on the existing structure in the 2018 earthquake code. says objects on top of each other. give reinforcement curtains an upper level of -60. Also, some of your curtains are not connected to the column on the upper floor due to the shrinking columns at the top. Do retrofit curtains need to continue on all floors? Does the 1/6 condition also apply to reinforcement bulkheads? search. As a result, it is not expected to provide in normal analysis anyway. you have to go for the non-linear solution as it doesn't satisfy the linear performance limits. otherwise, it provides "controlled damage", which is the targeted performance level in linear performance analysis.