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1- Single continuous foundation can be made in the joints with two columns next to each other in dilatation buildings 2- Stapling calculation can be made in the joints with two columns next to each other in dilatation buildings (according to the resultant force) to be shown in the calculation 3- In the buildings with basement floors with perimeter curtains, the ground floor column can be used without axial load being distributed to the lower side walls. making the option of transferring the same to the column under the load, leaving it to the user (it is difficult to explain to the relevant administration) 4- Linear load (external walls) can be entered at the ends of the console rib slabs 5- Additional load (lateral, vertical) can be seen in the calculation outputs of the buildings in the performance analysis of the buildings 6 - introducing a joint definition option at the top and bottom ends of the column in earthquake calculations in buildings where the floor is poured with separate columns and separate concrete 7- the g load can be divided into screed, coating, snow, soil, etc. load diversity in load analysis 8-capacity moment of columns and beams reinforced with simple steel elements, capacity design forces able to be applied