Hello, I think this topic is out of date, but I'm having the same problem right now, I installed idecad reinforced concrete on a new computer, but it gives Sentinel key not found (H 0007) error, what needs to be done? ]
There is an answer to your question in the frequently asked questions topic in this forum.
13) Sentinel HASP key not found (H0007) error. How can I solve it? This error indicates that the lock that was given to you when you purchased the program could not be detected on the computer you are trying to run the program on. In this case, make sure that the lock is installed on the computer. Make sure that the light is on. Test your lock on other ports on the computer to see if the USB port that the lock is plugged into is faulty. If your ports are working and you still get the same error, the lock driver is probably disabled has been excluded. Download and reinstall your lock driver
. Some virus programs prevent the installation of such programs. In order to avoid such a problem, we recommend that you disable your virus program before starting the installation.