Siromar, our friend who opened the subject, mentioned the regulation not about the vertical carrier apple sitting on the console, but only about the console beam (guseli console beam). Our comments are about cantilever beam, guseli or not. As TDY mentioned, "Columns are never allowed to be placed on top or end of cantilever beams or gussets formed on lower columns on any floor of the building." explained as. When you apply a rigid connection that transmits moment in prefabrication, when you provide the full diaphragm model, it gives results close to normal reinforced concrete structure behavior. (The end force calculations may differ from the loading assumptions due to limitations). Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning are manually applied external interventions to provide the project calculation values to the system. With the right materials, workmanship and control, you can create gussets suitable for your project. (It is very important to bend and place the iron in accordance with the project. Our Hodja Ugur Ersoy has a commemorative good article about not acting properly.) The precaution of the short column issue: Avoiding as much as possible, if necessary, to calculate and model according to the negativities that will be encountered. "Is stirrup tightening across the entire column a solution? Would this be the solution to such a risky and important issue?" We can use alternative solutions that are permitted to be implemented in our regulations and standards. (TS 500 - 2.2 - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND SECTION CALCULATIONS - If equations or charts other than those given in the standard are used in the analyzes and section calculations, they should be specified, and the source photocopies used should be submitted in addition to the calculations.) Being able to exceed the engineering regulations is a relative concept. But is the engineer primarily competent? I wish you good work.