New Member
Hello, In a beam combination as in the picture;
If beam K07 is discarded first, beam K40 is defined as 2 separate beams (it is defined by dividing intersections. an incorrect beam connection) but beam K07 after beam K40 If thrown, the stud works like a beam. (as it should be) In Idecad 7,
only naming objects that are divided by columns and not other objects that are not divided by columns I think such a feature does not exist in idecad 8. instead, it is necessary to rejoin the split beams with the join in stud beams command. This naturally causes loss of time and/or incorrect beam combinations if not noticed. My request from the idecad family is to include this feature, which is already present in the previous version, in idecad 8.
In summary, we need these 4 buttons. Thanks.