Thank you very much, Unver, for your time 3- DON'T MAKE BEAMS WORTH THAN THE SCREEN WIDTH IN THE LONG DIRECTION OF THE CURTAINS,=you said to the stair curtains, my teacher 7- I did not understand it, CONNECT IT WITH BEARINGS AND CREATE A FRAME- I did not understand it, my teacher= FORM THE FRAME 6,=I understand this article from the frame. CHECK THE LOADS,=what is the problem with beam loads, 130 bricks teacher, if I say if I see a live load, I have already entered it on my floor. 8- DO NOT PUT COLUMNS TOO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER, EVEN AN ORNAMENTAL COLUMN LIKE S24. discarded, I am waiting for your suggestion again 9- YOUR GROUND SAFETY IS VERY LOW COMPARED TO THIS STRUCTURE. IF IT'S CORRECT, YOU MUST PILE,(I made a double basement to save the ground safety, I calculated manually, I made my foundation design based on F/ALAN-Df(foundation depth)*y 10-TOO SHORT SPACE BEAMS AVOID SHORT SPACE BEAMS,=which ones I throw If the beams are placed on both sides according to the column-column support, isn't it more appropriate to throw a short column than to make a deflection, sir?12- FLOORINGS THICK 12 cm DOWN,( 10 TIMES 30 CM CONCRETE THICKNESS FROM 3 cm. THAT MEANS WEIGHT AND HORIZONTAL FORCE.) You are correct. Sir, but I would like to thank you very much, my teacher, because it is 15 cm in practice, I am waiting for your advice, sir.