I cannot remove the body reinforcements on the horizontal beams

Re: help
"yasinbayraktar":23ih96gy" said:
I can't remove the body reinforcements on the horizontal beams. I'm waiting for your suggestions about the project
, Item may be applicable. Check if the beam meets this condition. If so, you have to discard the web reinforcement or change the conditions. 2.) Torsion reinforcement may be required due to the torsional moment in the beam. Calculate the torsion in the beam in the beam reinforcements/torsion tab or in the report under Torsion heading For details, see 8.2 Shear and Torsion head on TS500 3. You may have changed the minimum body reinforcement height, although the beam parameters default to 61 cm.
Re: help
"yasinbayraktar":1e3vhrl6" said:
I can't remove the body reinforcements on the horizontal beams. I'm waiting for your suggestions about the project
Hello, The continuous cantilever beams in K13 etc. state that you mentioned in the project you sent to our technical service are for cantilever reinforcement type. If you don't want the body reinforcement to be discarded, run the command Modify/Object Edit/Beam-Foundation/Console. For example, select the beam K13. In the dialog that opens, check the line "Left console". Good job