Hello, when I define the k18 beam first and stick the k12 beam into k18, I get a small angle object error, but if I define k12 and enter k18 later, the k18 beam is divided into 2 parts and the error disappears, what should I do for analysis?
The small angle object message is given as a warning against shifting. By checking the correctness of the coordinate of the point you caught while defining the K12 beam, you should correct the current slip. (Check the angle of K12. It is different from 90 degrees). The base you refer to may be placed at a small angle. Please check.
but if I define k12 and enter after k18, the k18 beam splits into 2 parts and the error disappears
The point you caught in the 1st case and the point you caught in this case (in the 2nd case) are not the same, the angle of K12 is 90 degrees, so you are not getting a warning. This difference between the 1st case and the 2nd case shows that there is definitely a shift in the coordinates of the elements in your project. You should make corrections by checking your elements.
After correcting the offsets in your coordinates, there is no difference in the analysis model in case 1 and case 2 data inputs. The appearance of the beam as 2 parts is related to the nomenclature and drawing. When we look at the plan, it is appropriate to name the K18 beam as one piece. In the 2nd case, if you enter data, you can edit the name of the beam individually with the Combine command.