I'm having trouble printing layouts larger than 20 meters.


New Member
Note: operating system windows 7 64 professional processor i7 4th generation video card quatro k600 16 gb ram ssd I have a hard disk yes, as I mentioned in the title, when I make the plotter settings and preview the large layouts, the image is constantly refreshed, sometimes after 5 10 minutes, the image formation is completed. how can i shorten it? Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Having trouble printing layouts larger than 20 meters Mr. prof. Sheets larger than 20 m are not very practical because they are quite swollen when folded. I usually have the plans drawn separately and the details on separate sheets. If the project is large, it can be grouped within the details in the Plans, we do not have to take the whole project in one sheet.
Re: Having trouble printing layouts larger than 20 meters file to go to license 154 flats 8 blocks each block makes 40 blueprints from 5 sets if we do as you say, 80 pieces of blueprints will be obtained, half of it will be lost on the way :) it did not disappear in the municipality, also printing problem When I opened it with wreple in a way I couldn't understand, it was done.