I'm getting a tiling error in reports I couldn't find the reason

Hello, I had the project calculated, there is no tiling error. My suggestions: --Make the elevator curtains as a group, --Don't make cantilevers from K05-K12-K11 beams or columns, --K16 beam k18-k23 should be supported, add new K16a, k23-k27 should be supported, --K01 beam should be single between two columns, k21 beam Let it sink into this beam, --Put a column at the intersection of 4 and B axis and K09-K10 to form a frame, --Remove the pillars on the beams. Unver ÖZCAN
Laying failure occurs due to TBDY Article 7.11.3 in-plane tensile stress control. If you examine the report, you can see that the in-plane tensile stress is not provided at the end of the P02 curtain at the position given in the report in the 2nd calculation axis of the basement floor D04 slab. Accordingly, you will need to operate on 2 axes. You can take precautions by increasing the reinforcement in 2 axis. In the basement floor, if you make the 2nd calculation axis of the D04 slab upper flat + lower flat and the reinforcement is fi12/14, you will provide the in-plane tensile stress control at the given coordinate. Note: Alternatively, instead of using fi12/14 for the entire opening in the 2 direction, you can also edit the calculation axis working distances, define more than one reinforcement axis, and use fi12/14 in less area for the position that concerns only the P02 curtain.