I'm getting a ground safety negative error

When I deleted the foundations and redrawn as 70/50, the analysis result did not give an error. But when I made the same change on the dimensions of the existing foundations and solved the error was not gone. It may be related to drawing or nodal points.
Thanks. Unfortunately, I can't open a demo, I can't get a printout even if I open it, how can we do it?
"bagcihan":1kahrya" said:
I get a negative ground safety error
Hello; By increasing the width of the foundations or defining the ampatage, the ground bearing capacity problems can be overcome. Notes: - There is no continuous curtain on all floors in the project. The carrier system type in TBDY Wizard A11 can be selected in both directions - There is a problem with connection break safety (B) in some columns. You can check item 9 in the link below.
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"sbal":1ucqdbao" said:
I have no errors. I am using demo version. I added it so I hope you can open it. -Continuous basic single piece between column S5 must be defined and the right end node must be on column S5.
Hello. My Suggestions:
"hbp66":3rhn7xn1" said:
ground safety and excessively high quantity
--Check the location of the building, -Why is there no 3rd floor slab? --Fix the errors in the geometry control, --the one I marked Put columns in the places, --High ductility, --Take semi-rigid solution and Rx=Ry=8, --Increase the width and height of TK, --Give the slab gaps with the slab edge, --There is an error that no mesh can be formed in D25 slabs, delete it, - -Model the ladder and solve it together, -You can reduce the floor loads on the 2nd floor ceiling and remove the wall loads Unver ÖZCAN
I couldn't understand how to check the location of the building? I can't add a column where you show. What could be your solution instead? How can I find a solution to ductility? How can I overcome the pursantage problem? my mistakes are halved, but this is what I asked, I hope it will be over if I close my questions