How to make stair handles in one piece


New Member
Hello. There is a ladder type as you can see in my project. But since it's not in the library, I have to create it myself. When I make the ladder arms separately, I can make a ladder as I want. However, if I do it with the add stair area command, it starts the second stair branch from the top of the first branch. How can I make it in one piece?
"fatihh.aksy":32ehmpz" said:
Hi there. There is a ladder type as you can see in my project. But since it is not in the library, I have to create it myself. When I make the ladder arms separately, I can make a ladder as I want. However, if I do it with the add ladder area command, I can create a second ladder It starts the arm from the upper level of the first arm. How can I make it in one piece?
Hello, Define the exit line of the arm that you will add as a ladder in the direction shown by the red line in the picture. In this case, you can add the second arm as a ladder area. Good work
Levent, first of all, thank you. I did as you said, but the deflection result was much more than yours. Did you do anything extra statically??
"fatihh.aksy":39z0fwil" said:
Mr. Levent, first of all, thank you. I did as you said, but the deflection result was much more than yours. Did you do anything extra statically?
Hello, The side support conditions for the stairs you added Not arranged. Since there are no structural elements on the sides of the stairs, you need to arrange them according to the support conditions for the solution independent of the structure. You can watch the video below about the arrangement of the stair support conditions according to the solution conditions together with the building. Good work
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