How to do the Ridge Combination


New Member
I want to make such a combination ... But I've come this far, I'm stuck.. I'm waiting for your solution suggestions.
Re: Ridge Joint ? Hello; When you use the beam-beam butt plate joint joint, the stiffeners in the menu cannot be seated at an angle at this time. Just shorten the length of your boards. Necessary work has been done for the option that the stiffeners of the joint can be angled. However, you can use it in future versions. Good work.
Re: Ridge Joint ? Can't we replace the stiffening plates with IPE profiles :?: If not, it's a serious handicap :!: Because in this way, the stiffening plates are insufficient in the roof design :shock:
Hello there; A beam section cannot be used instead of a stiffener in the joint at this time. Can you try to explain the situation of insufficient rigidity with an example? If possible, can you share if there is a situation that you use in your project but you have to use beam section in the calculation results? Also, we would appreciate it if you could add which regulation you made the calculations with. Good work.
Ms. Nurgül, in the program, in beam-beam joints, forehead and gusset joints and reinforcement plates; Are the interactions of the stiffening and stiffening plates with the main elements not modeled in the analysis? It does not make any difference in the analysis results. Can we create more economical solutions if this interaction is modeled?
Joins and union components are not included in the analysis model. The type of junction changes the end freedoms of the element, depending on whether it is hinged or rigid.