How can we understand that the column is double stirrups in the reports?

Hello, The double stirrup information in the columns is given in detail in the drawings. There is no representation as 2fi8/... in the report.
Thank you for your interest. However, I didn't ask about the drawings. How can we find it in the account report or how can we find out whether it is a double stirrup or not. The purpose here is to check whether there is a difference between the drawing and the account report. Sent from my SM-C5010 using Tapatalk
"mehmet28":j3w8319f" said:
thank you for your interest. But I didn't ask about the drawings. How can we find it in the account report or how do we know if it's double stirrup. The purpose here is to check if there is any difference between the drawing and the account report. Sent from my SM-C5010 using Tapatalk
Your request to show the columns using double stirrups in the reports has been sent to the R&D team for evaluation