Horizontal loading on basement curtains

Hello, When adding soil load to basement curtains, the user needs to calculate the soil load according to TBDY 2018 table 16.6, define the loading status, loading combinations into the program, and enter the loading status defined in the Add horizontal load to the curtain section. 1- Defining Loading Status After creating your static model, you must specify the soil load status to the program. For this, first analyze once. The program will define for you the loading conditions and combinations of vertical and seismic loadings. Then define the loading condition for the ground load. -> From the Ribbon menu -> Analysis and Design -> Loading -> Linear Static Analysis Status 2- Define Soil Load Combinations -> From the Ribbon menu -> Analysis and Design -> Combination -> Add New Combination from the drop-down menu. -> The Combination Settings dialog will appear. -> In this dialog, add three lines by saying Add New Line. -> Select the load cases as G', Q' and H from the drop-down list by clicking on the loading boxes of the rows one after the other. -> Double-click on the factor boxes of the rows with the left mouse button and enter the values 1.4, 1.6 and 1.6 respectively with the help of the keyboard. -> Check the Use in reinforced concrete design box at the bottom of the dialog to ensure that the cross-sectional effects of this combination are taken into account in the reinforcement calculations. When you press the OK button, you will have defined the 1.4G+1.6Q+1.6H load combination. Follow the same steps above and define the combination 0.9G+1.6H.
3-In the building tree->Loading Combinations->Reinforced Concrete Design Combinations->Double-click on the Reinforced Concrete Design Envelope->In the window that opens->Add New Line->Select the combination you created before from the opened line->Click OK. 4- Defining Horizontal Load to the Curtain -> Select the curtain you want to add horizontal load to in the plan window. -> Press the right mouse button on the screen you selected. -> Click on the Curtain Horizontal load line under the Add Load line in the menu that opens. -> Curtain horizontal load dialog will appear. -> Set the load type from the dialog that opens. -> In the Value box, enter the value you calculated according to the TBDY 2018 table 16.6 -> Write the soil load in the Description section. -> Select the H line we defined earlier as the loading state.
Hello, I guess the situation is different in the Classic menu. I could not see the define menu on the ribbon in the classic menu.
Hello Mr. Berat, Thank you for the detailed explanation. Why do you get cracked section G and Q loading in the combination of fixed and live loads? Since there is no earthquake loading in it, I was using uncracked section G and Q. Is it because of the earthquake effect inside the ground? Let me make a small addition. The combination of 4.12 in the regulation also needs to be defined.