hidden beam help

Reform Group

New Member
Hello friends, something like this happened to me today. A contractor friend called me and asked if I could make a hidden beam in a structure I had previously drawn with normal flooring and beams. In other words, he asked if I could remove the 12 cm slab by 14-15 cm and cross the area with the beam of the same height, and he mentioned that there were engineers who passed this way before. As far as I know, beam height cannot be less than 3 times the floor thickness. That's why I said I couldn't do it. However, I wanted to consult because he was talking about engineers who had done this before. is there anything like that? I will be glad if you help.
Concealed beam design (except for tunnel formwork systems) is made in 30-40 cm beamless floor systems, such as band beams. The benefit of trying to make hidden beams in 14-15 cm slab floors does not go beyond the reinforcement of the flooring. As you mentioned, either 36 cm beams should be made for 12 cm flooring there (if internal forces and deflection saves them) or a hollow floor slab must be made locally. Another solution is if the contractor does not want the beam to be visible, he should put it in his pocket and make a suspended ceiling, etc.