Help with Drawing the Route Command of the Ladder...


New Member
Hello.... I tried to draw the staircase (architectural situation) specified in the attached image file and create a "Route" command in idecad static (I tried various alternatives). I have created a ladder similar to the drawing in the image file in the idecad static file I have attached, but there is no complete compatibility between the ladder I created and the ladder in the image file (there are some differences, for example, I could not keep the number of docks) ... I am waiting for your help in this matter ... have a nice day and I wish you work....
Hello Levent, Thank you very much for your interest and help. The staircase you created is compatible with the architecture. There doesn't seem to be any problem. It's perfect. Once again, I wanted to do what you did individually, but I couldn't create the semi-circles (exit line on the stairway) with the route command. (When drawing with the route command, I bring it to the "arc" state, I make the maximum number of points, the "angle" status is closed and I draw between 2 points passing through the half arc diameter, but I can't be successful. The arcs I create are not half arcs or even half arcs. it becomes larger than a circle.)I drew various arcs, but somehow they were not the same as in your drawing... What would you suggest I do about it? Have a nice day and work....
Define stair areas and exit lines using the line and arc command first. You can then create closed areas over these borders with the route command.