Hardened concrete strength


New Member
"Message by Godfrey » 09 Dec 2013, 14:19 Hello friends, although the existing concrete class is C18 in the core compression strength reports for the building I will perform performance analysis, the average compressive strength in foundation beams is 23.59 N/mm2, basement floor 24.96 N/mm2 in columns and beams, 23.43 N/mm2 in ground floor columns and beams, 25.25 N/mm2 in 1st floor columns and beams I have read the additional notes section of the report, the samples are based on the h=d equation. It has been tested and the strength values are 15x15x15 cube values.My question here is the concrete compressive strength that we will define in the program for performance analysis should be the cylinder compressive strength, right?How do we convert the calculated values for these cube samples into the cylinder sample strength.The smallest average pressure from the 4 separate reports I gave above I need to take the value of 23.43 N/mm2, which is the resistance, and multiply it with which coefficient and enter the program. Thank you very much, good work..." What about this? I wanted to share with you an excel program that I worked on. In my opinion, friends who evaluate concrete are missing. Examine the program; If there are deficiencies in the program, I will reply to friends who want to ask questions here after 21.12.2013. (Because I am preparing for the A group job security exam.) I am waiting for your comments. Good luck to everyone Unver ÖZCAN PROGRAM: