Hello, I wanted to make a highly ductile solution because of the 1st degree earthquake zone in the calculation of a housing project to be built in Karabük, but since I could not eliminate the b error in polygon columns, I made a mixed solution. Since the structure is adjacent from 1 side, the ground safety stress limits on the beamless raft exceeded the limits, I had to try to make rafters with beams, but since the building seating area is small, there is no room to move when I connect the beams under the curtains required for alfas in the mixed calculation, and in most of them, the ground safety stress exceeds the limit and I get the insufficient reinforcement message. .no matter what I did, I couldn't get out of it. moreover, I cannot use 18 gauge reinforcement as requested by the contractor company. If you can exceed the stress limit, I think basically 18 can be used. Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks in advance.