Dear Sir/Madam, I made the attached project with the aim of strengthening it in version 5. On the floors of the building, there is a 1 meter elevation difference in both parts of the floor area. In this case, two different levels should form two different rigid diaphragms, but I saw 6 rds on the ground floor and 4 rds on the 1st floor. 2 rd formed on other floors. This must not be true. If these rds are taken into account in the analysis, I think there will be erroneous results. I'll be pleased if you pay attention. I just downloaded version 6 and started a new review. The tree structure is the element, node, etc. that we want to examine in the menu. I think it would be easier to use the menu if the related element was selected in the structure when it is selected. Take it easy, thank you Suat Yıldırım