geometry error


New Member
In my HELLO project, the beams are attached to the columns from the ends of the curtains. My curtains are 25 cm, the width of my beams is 60 cm, and the depth is 32 cm. In this case geo. When I check, I get a warning that beam width cannot exceed the sum of beam height and column width. Should I ignore the warning?
It gives the same warning when it's not a column, but a curtain. I don't have a beam-column combination that doesn't comply with the regulation. Is there such a thing as the sum of the beam width, beam height and curtain width? The program gives a warning, should I ignore it?
If you look at the article above, it says "the dirt that binds to the curtains itself" After all, curtains are vertical carrier elements like columns...
If you have to solve your project according to TDY 2007, you cannot ignore the regulation article. Your project can return under the control of the municipality or imo.
If I remove the curtains by 30-35 cm in the project, I cannot achieve the ratio of 1/7. The length of my curtains is 175 cm. In this case, should I enter it as a column instead of a curtain?