Flooring Problem


New Member
Hello, there is a project prepared for the building to be used for underground WC (except the front facade). The curtain named P04 was defined as the sub-basement curtain. However, while doing this, this curtain split the top tile, I could not assign a single tile, it is not a situation I have encountered until now, do I have to do this due to the logic of the program or is there a way to fix it? Happy holidays everyone...
split element and merge from there. Of course, if it is 8.500, I could not give a clear answer because I do not know the version.
Hello, my suggestion. I couldn't do it with version 8. If you save the project as 7.20, correct it and open it with version 8 after recording, you get what you want in the tile. Take it easy Unver ÖZCAN
Move curtain P04 out with the move command. Place the flooring. Then move the curtain back to where it should be. Good work