- When you check the geometry, you see something. You must exceed the curtain width clause. Your floor height is 4.00 m. Accordingly, your width should be at least 27 cm. If I were you, I would make at least 30 and make the curtain size 30/210 cm (1/7). thus the beam width is also increased by at least 30 cm. The manufacture of beams of such height (25/80) may not be smooth. - If it were me, I would make the beams like 70/70 with multiple stirrups. - It was a good idea to choose the high concrete quality. - Why didn't you consider cassette flooring in such a large flooring? - I think you know the reason why the live load is 200 in such a wide span. I think your loads are worth checking out. - You said that the sections saved, but I calculated, there are objects that did not save. Your floors have a deflection problem. The dimensions of the slabs in this opening should not be this size anyway. Your rib heights are insufficient. - I'm not counting your raft flooring. In short, that's all I can say.