earthquake zones

Sadiq Sadiqov

New Member
Hello. I bought this program and am playing. earthquake zones are shown here. However, in the statistical calculations in Azerbaijan, earthquake zones are made with the Rixter scale, that is, with honey. The ball (power) of the Bakude earthquake 9 balls. My question is this: What does the earthquake zones (1,2,3,4) given in this program fit? Thank you in advance.
Greetings Mr. Sadıq sadıqov, dynamic calculation in ideCAD program is done using earthquake spectrum curve. For convenience, pre-defined spectrum curves for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th earthquake zones are included in the program for Turkey. You can introduce the spectrum curve suitable for Baku in terms of period - acceleration to the program. You should also enter the ductility level of your structure, that is, the coefficient of behavior of the structural system ( R ) into the program. Good luck with
In addition, the options we define as 1, 2, 3 and 4 earthquake zones are the effective acceleration coefficient values determined according to TDY. Instead of using them, you can give the effective ground acceleration coefficient suitable for Baku to the program.