Earthquake forces Problem


New Member
After analyzing the construction (dynamic analysis), the base shear force found from the equivalent earthquake load method was greater than the dynamic analysis base shear force. According to the earthquake regulation 2.8.5, the forces found as a result of the dynamic analysis should be increased according to the formula in the item I specified, but idecad does not make this increase what is the reason of this? Thanks in advance for your help
Hello, The table you added is the table showing what the floor F forces values are. In this table, we see the equivalent and dynamic floor F forces values. In the regulation it says "all internal forces and displacement magnitudes will be magnified". Accordingly, by comparing the earthquake base shear forces, the internal forces and displacement magnitudes are enlarged as the regulation says. How can we see that extreme forces are magnified? 1) In the dynamic analysis report, refer to the table given in the dynamic analysis input section. 2) In addition, it is determined that the extreme forces are increased by giving the relevant item in the output of columns and beams, for example. 3) Finally, you can examine the raw and design results in the element reinforced concrete results. Raw results show unmagnified values, design results show final magnified values. As a result, ideCAD applies the relevant earthquake regulation fully and as it should be.