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Since I chose a frame system in a project I worked in a 4th degree earthquake zone, I chose the ductility level as normal and took the Rx and Ry values of 4 to solve the system, but in the x direction, the program determined the R value as 3.66. Does this pose a design problem? Building inspectors say it should not be below 4. I could not see a negative aspect in earthquake regulation reports.
Taking the R coefficient of 3.66 is not a problem in terms of design, but the earthquake effects of your building are overestimated. It is necessary to examine the reason for the coefficient change, can you send your project? Is there a B1 irregularity in your building?
In the project, there is B1 irregularity on the ground floor. nc(i) turns out to be 0.73. The proportionally (0.73/0.80)rx coefficient was chosen as: 3.66. Does this pose a design or safety issue? I uploaded it to the hotfile site because the project size is large.
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I did not examine your project, but I think that the ratio has dropped below 0.8 due to the fact that the ground floor is commercial and the wall loads on the basement ceiling beams are low and a weak floor has been formed. This is a problem, and if I were you, I would go for the complete stirrup tightening on all columns on the weak floor (especially in the corner) apart from what the regulation requires, and you can do this with the short column tab...
If the Sn Teknikisler R coefficient is small, it means penalizing the building horizontal loads by dividing them by a smaller coefficient. You are not required in this building, but if you chose high ductility, the building would be punished less. This requires you to meet the requirement of strong column, encircled column and shear safety control, but it produces less reinforcement. I reviewed your project. 1- In your raft foundation, the S8 column remains idle. When there is an elevator foundation in your project, make a solution by modeling as described in the IdeCAD Forum during the modeling phase. Do not solve the elevator raft without a foundation and add the elevator foundation later. Appendix 1 2- Modeling was made by placing retaining walls on the coffers in basement curtains. Is there such a modeling, let IdaCAD officials respond. In the drawing, the reinforcement is not inside the curtains. 3- Stairs should be checked, modeling and drawing are different. Appendix 1 4- When the "project" is calculated, it gives short objects error in "geometry control", it should be corrected. Appendix 2 5-There are insufficient floors and should be corrected. 6- The upper floors are weak in the static system. Column can be placed under 7C. Appendix 3 In order to form a 7-Frame, S24 column can be made 25/100 and 2 axis can be connected. Annex 3 In the 8-basement floor, the distance between the K1 beam and the K28 beam is 10 cm. Flooring equipment is obligatory here. There is an inappropriate drawing. (the pillar cannot be folded.) k1 and k23 can be removed and console flooring can be made. Appendix 4 9- Since the k27 beam in the basement will block the front of the hollow block, 10/32 can be made. Weight is reduced. 10- In the basement floor, k31-k32 beams can be 25/32. It can even be tiled like upper floors. A program drawing error has occurred in the 11-kb23 beam. annex 5 12- k10-k24 beams on the fifth floor are not in the formwork plan, they are in the drawing. Appendix 1 13 It is not customary to leave the fifth floor k10 beam as a cantilever inside the building. It would be nice if it hit the column. If you are going to use it for elevator flooring, you can either add a column or, again, a bad solution. 14- D15 balcony can be solved as a floor on the ground floor ceiling. 15- If a solution is to be made as given in Annex 6, it would be better not to give a cantilever beam that has been laundered to the end. The program has a drawing error. Appendix 6 16 K15 beam (25/50) is made on the 1st floor ceiling and K16 (40/32) is made in the continuation, it does not provide the continuity of the reinforcement. IF YOU USE THE PROGRAM WITH KNOWING WHAT IT DOES IN THE PROJECTS YOU MAKE FURTHER, YOU WILL NOT ENCOUNTER AN UNDESIRED SITUATION. LET IT BE EASY. IF THERE ARE COLUMNS THAT DO NOT PRESS THE RADIATE IN FUNDAMENTALS AS SEEN IN THIS EXAMPLE, CAN'T A WARNING BE GIVEN IN "Geometry Control"?
"unver":3smatxb8" said:
2- Modeling was made by putting retaining walls on the curbstones in basement curtains. Is there such a modeling, let IdaCAD officials respond. In the drawing, the reinforcement did not penetrate into the curtains.
The retaining walls and the building are two different projects. They are independent of each other. .
"unver":3smatxb8" said:
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