Ductility level selection


New Member
Hello, it does not indicate any statement about the selection of idestatic ductility level from TDY 2007, I would be glad if we could clarify this issue. According to what ductility level is chosen in buildings, we would be glad if our experienced friends guide us on this subject, THANKS
"ayhan":bv2yfo3d" said:
Hi, he does not specify any statement he received from tdy 2007 regarding the selection of idestatic ductility level, I would be glad if we could clarify this issue. According to what ductility level is chosen in structures, we would be glad if our experienced friends guide us on this subject, THANKS[/quote ] Hello, Although your question is not fully understood: The ductility level is selected according to the earthquake zone where your structure is located, the building importance factor value and the type of your structure. The ductility level and the R coefficient depending on it are given in the Analysis Settings in the program. In the report, it is printed in the building summary information and in the general report of the earthquake code .
"The level of ductility is selected according to the earthquake zone where your structure is located, the value of the building importance factor and your type of structure." you say. What kind of a relationship is there between the ductility level and the earthquake zone and the structural importance coefficient? Can you open a little?
"curious":h5l6c4nt" said:
You say, "The ductility level is chosen according to the earthquake region where your structure is located, the structure importance factor value and the type of your structure." What kind of a relationship is there between the ductility level and the earthquake region and the building importance factor. Can you explain a little.[ /quote] Hello, TDY 2007 To quote from the earthquake code: In first and second degree earthquake zones; (a) Ductility in buildings whose structural system consists only of frames, except for paragraph (b) below (b) According to Table 2.3, in steel buildings with Building Importance Factor I = 1.2 and I = 1.0, only structural systems consisting of frames with normal ductility level can be used, provided that HN <= 16 m. (c) According to Table 2.3, in all buildings with Building Importance Coefficient I = 1.5 and I = 1.4, carrier systems with high ductility level or mixed carrier systems in terms of ductility level defined in will be used. Structural systems with a normal ductility level without ductility may be permitted only in third and fourth degree earthquake zones, provided that: (a) Reinforced concrete buildings defined in can be constructed with HN <= 13 m. (b) Except for those defined in, reinforced concrete and steel buildings whose structural system consists only of frames with normal ductility level can be constructed provided that HN <= 25 m.
hello, do we need to solve a structure with beamless slab flooring in the 1st degree peprem region, where our building importance coefficient is 1, and which only has shears in the x direction, by choosing high ductility in both x and y directions? (my building height is less than 15 m) I could not make any inferences from the regulations for this situation.
"yunussacikk":2lgvz3pu" said:
hi, should we solve a non-beamed slab slab structure with only shears in the x-direction, in which our building importance factor is 1, in the 1st degree peprem region, by choosing high ductile in both the x and y directions? (my building height is less than 15 m) ) I couldn't make any inferences for this situation from the regulations.
You can't make a highly ductile solution for beamless slabs under any circumstances. You can do mixed and normal solutions in the 1st degree earthquake zone. alphas>0.40 for mixed, alphas>0.75 for normal also the building importance coefficient should be <1.4
"a_bulut06":2yvleinr" said:
under no circumstances can you do a high ductile solution in non-beamed floors. You can use mixed and normal solutions in the 1st degree earthquake zone. alphas>0.40 for mixed, alphas>0.75 for normal, and the building is important. coefficient should be <1.4
First of all, thank you for your interest in my question. I did not see a situation like you said in the Regulation. Is this your wing?
"yunussacikk":1jo0sled" said:
"a_bulut06":1jo0sled" said:
under no circumstances can you make a highly ductile solution for beamless slabs. You can make mixed and normal solutions in the 1st degree earthquake zone. alphas>0.40 for mixed, alphas>0.75 for normal and building importance factor<1.4
First of all, thanks for your attention to my question. I did not see a situation like you said in the Regulation. Is this your wing?
Hello there. Since there is an elevator in the system, how should we follow the cork flooring, which is the elevator curtain. I also have one more question. We are making 1st state-floor curtains. The height of each floor of the ground+10-floor building is 3 meters. Only the ground floor is 3.70 meters. We need to make a 70 cm basement curtain at the ground floor building entrance or the entire ground floor and raise the ground floor. rigid basement no. When you do the analysis without entering the sub-basement bulkheads, the calculation results in a mixed system in the x and y directions. When you enter the sub-basement bulkhead and mark the sub-basement bulkhead as the floor in question is not rigid, the result changes. 2nd case-there are only frets in the x direction and no frets in the y direction. When you choose mixed in the x direction, normal or high in the y direction and enter the pitch in the y direction, the result changes again. In short, how will we clarify the situation of the basement curtains on the rigid and non-rigid floors. (rigid basement, how should we proceed with the curtains along the floor (no beams are connected directly to the floor but do not continue throughout the building). Thank you very much. Regards.
"bilgi.forum":38e5fzln" said:
hello. How should we proceed with cork flooring, which is an elevator curtain, since there is an elevator in the system. I also have one more question. Its height is 3 mt. Only the ground floor is 3.70 mt. We need to make a 70 cm flood curtain at the ground floor building entrance or on the ground floor and raise the ground floor. There is no rigid basement. When you analyze without entering the basement curtains, the calculation results in a mixed system in the x and y directions. The result changes when you enter the sub-basement bulkhead and mark the sub-basement bulkhead as the floor in question is not rigid.2nd case-there are only curtains in the x direction and no curtains in the y direction.When you select mixed in the x direction, normal or high in the y direction and enter the curtain in the y direction, the result changes again In short, how will we clarify the condition of the basement curtains on the rigid and non-rigid floors. we should watch. Thank you very much. Best regards
Hello, 1- Basin curtains also receive shear force in proportion to their rigidity. It is normal for the alphaS value to change at this floor, as they are not included in the AlfaS control. You can decide whether you can solve a mixed system, ignoring the warning given by the program, based on the AlphaS value on the next floor. The AlphaS rates for each floor are printed in the General report of the Earthquake Regulation. 2- It would be appropriate to choose the same ductility level in both directions in the program. This is clearly stated in the 2018 Earthquake Code.
have a nice day. Since there is only curtain in the elevator in the building, it says that the ductility level should be limited, probably because the curtain does not provide Mdev > 0.75 Mo in the rollover control part. Will this pose a problem? can it stay like this? can you give me some information?
"batuhann28522":303iv6l5" said:
good day. Since there is only curtain in the elevator in the building, it says that the ductility level should be limited, probably because the curtain does not provide Mdev > 0.75 Mo in the rollover control section. It says the same article when I buy it limited. can you keep it or give some information
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"unver":2zitogwk" said:
"batuhann28522":2zitogwk" said:
good day. Since there is only curtain in the elevator in the building, it says that the ductility level should be limited, probably because the curtain does not provide Mdev > 0.75 Mo in the rollover control part. Would this be a problem or keep it like this? Could you give some information
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Good Morning This topic has been viewed more than 10000 times in a short time. It means that there is a lot of confusion about the level of ductility.
"unver":7adnly8e" said:
Hi, the balanced project is attached. Ünver ÖZCAN
Thank you for your attention. It says again that the ductility level should be selected as Limited in the tipping section and isn't the curtains you added a bit too much for this building. Also about the update about the risky building I want to get information, when will we come?
"batuhann28522":13lrvin5" said:
Thanks for your attention. It says ductility level should be selected as Limited in the tipping section again. /quote] Yes, I solved the building so that you can see how the TBDY2018 earthquake code penalizes the structures with hollow blocks. Unver ÖZCAN
"unver":3pocrnoa" said:
"batuhann28522":3pocrnoa" said:
Thanks for your attention. In the tipping section, it is written that the ductility level should be selected as Limited
If you do the analysis, you will see that the project is balanced.
"batuhann28522":3pocrnoa" said:
isn't the curtains you added a bit too much
Yes, I solved the building so you can see how the TBDY2018 earthquake code penalizes the hollow structures. Ünver ÖZCAN
Yes, we noticed, thanks. Information for risky building analysis update can you give us our files are waiting