You say, "The ductility level is chosen according to the earthquake region where your structure is located, the structure importance factor value and the type of your structure." What kind of a relationship is there between the ductility level and the earthquake region and the building importance factor. Can you explain a little.[ /quote] Hello, TDY 2007 To quote from the earthquake code: In first and second degree earthquake zones; (a) Ductility in buildings whose structural system consists only of frames, except for paragraph (b) below (b) According to Table 2.3, in steel buildings with Building Importance Factor I = 1.2 and I = 1.0, only structural systems consisting of frames with normal ductility level can be used, provided that HN <= 16 m. (c) According to Table 2.3, in all buildings with Building Importance Coefficient I = 1.5 and I = 1.4, carrier systems with high ductility level or mixed carrier systems in terms of ductility level defined in will be used. Structural systems with a normal ductility level without ductility may be permitted only in third and fourth degree earthquake zones, provided that: (a) Reinforced concrete buildings defined in can be constructed with HN <= 13 m. (b) Except for those defined in, reinforced concrete and steel buildings whose structural system consists only of frames with normal ductility level can be constructed provided that HN <= 25 m.