double stirrup problem in columns


New Member
In my project that I entered, the program determined the stirrups of the columns as 2 pieces each. I want to make these with single stirrup and kipper, but I couldn't find such an option despite my search. I will be glad if you help.
If only we could specify the number. For example, when selecting column reinforcements, if the column section is displayed on the side, you place which reinforcement on which side, and what kind of stirrup crosswork arrangement do you make. This is the biggest shortcoming of the program, we can define column reinforcements only as major minor. The major minor aspect can change from floor to floor. becomes difficult to follow. My strong recommendation is that the reinforcement placements on the section should be shown in the selection of column reinforcements.
As an example when arranging beam reinforcements; You change the mounting equipment, all the columns are red because the section is insufficient.
The fact that we cannot define reinforcement and stirrups for columns as we want causes difficulties when defining existing building reinforcements, especially in reinforcement projects. Existing column reinforcements can appear in different forms. Corner length reinforcements made in a different diameter from the inner stirrups can be placed in a different diameter from the others. and we cannot identify them.