Dome Drawing Help


New Member
When trying to draw a dome in my attached house of worship project, the program closes. I couldn't transfer it to the map. Also, there is a lot of additional reinforcement in K4 AND K5 beams (1st basement floor), my first mosque project, I would appreciate it if you could take a look in case there are other mistakes. I wish everyone a good day.
Hello. My suggestions -- Solve the structure semi-rigid diaphragm, --1.basement is not rigid, remove ticks, --1. You can reduce the live loads on the floor ceiling, dome and floors, and remove the wall loads, -- You can also remove the wall loads on the beams inside the building, -- You can remove the pillars on the beams and make flat iron. Unver ÖZCAN
Unver, I made the analysis again in line with your suggestions, but my problem for the dome continues. Despite the analysis, the reinforcement selection is not made in the dome and when I want to draw, the program closes.