Doesn't generate the base application plan drawing


New Member
first of all, take it easy, I'm a new idecad user. My project also doesn't create the basic application plan drawing. I wonder if there are errors related to the project.
Re: emergency help The problem goes away when you delete the floors that are sitting in the basement. But how accurate is it to pull the tie beam and define the flooring inside. I think it's better if you throw a normal beam. In addition, if there will be a raft in a two-storey building, it is best to make a raft without beams. If you draw the floors that sit on the flooded floor by hand, they are already short.
Re: emergency help Review the errors in the geometry control. Modeling a raft foundation surrounded by a tie beam is definitely wrong. Raft flooring cannot be defined with a normal floor beam. You can define a raft slab with either a continuous foundation or a raft slab edge. Fix the raft tiles. The problem is caused by RD2 tiling.
Re: urgent help the main problem here is that you want to build a balcony at 1 m elevation on the ground floor, as you said, when I lay a slab with the slab edge, the system sees this slab as a raft slab, so I wanted to turn it with a tie beam (even if I level the slab, the system rafts). Do you have any suggestions?
Re: urgent help First create a new layer, then change the layer of the ground floor ceiling balcony to this newly created layer. Then turn off this layer. You are in the mode of facing the ground floor ceiling from below, in this mode define the floor by giving an elevation of -280. Since you define the foundation in the top-facing mode, it perceives it as a raft.