Defining Steel scissors in idecad 5.511


New Member
Dear colleagues; I am 5,511 enterprise user. I am solving a project with steel trusses on reinforced concrete columns. 1-How should I transfer the loads from these trusses to my reinforced concrete columns correctly? 2-how can I define these columns and beams in idestatics 3-The building is single storey. How much should I get the R coefficient, regards
Hello, in version 5.511; 1. After solving the truss system, you can assign the vertical loads on the columns to the column as "G vertical" loading with the point load command. However, horizontal load and moment input cannot be made in our version 5.511. 2. You can enter columns and beams in their geometric properties and elevations by using column and beam commands. 3. You can choose the R coefficient according to the list given in table 2.5 in TDY 2007 regulation.