Curtain tipping moment calculation


New Member
In the analysis report for the curtain+frame system, the overturning moment control is as in the image. Is there a mistake in the control or is it a point I missed?
Re: curtain tipping calculation Normal if you have chosen one of the mixed carrier systems. What did you choose?
Since your Mdev/Mo values are less than 0.75, you need to consider the R, D and BYS conditions in the A31 system. If the software does not give any warning on this issue, there is a problem. It is corrected. The R value of the A31 and A33 system is the same. You will change the value of D and make sure your building is BYS=>7. Let's see if you share your model.
"alone":3sb52t3i" said:
The overturning moment control in the analysis report for the curtain+frame system is as shown in the image.Is there a mistake in the control or is it something I missed?
DTS=3,4 and BYS< in the project If =7, you can choose the structural system type A31 from the TBDY wizard and you can do the Limited Ductility level solution (If the earthquake design class and Building height class condition are not met, the program will not allow selecting A31 in the TBDY wizard.) In other cases, it is appropriate to use a high ductile solution because Alfam<0.75 In 10.14, there is no control according to the earthquake design class while taking the report in the limited ductile solution. In the next update, the regulation checks made as a result of the analysis have been developed, taking into account the earthquake design classes. The selection of the ductility level is also checked in the report. Good work
Hello, You cannot use the A33 carrier system as the Mdev >= 0.75 Mo condition is not met in your project. You do not have the opportunity to use the A31 carrier system, since the condition of BYS <=7 is not met. You can continue by selecting High Ductility level, carrier system type A15 in the TBDY Wizard.
"yalin":38kfh7yw" said:
added the project. Thank you very much for your interest.
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You cannot select the carrier system type A31 because the project has DTS=3 but BYS<7. The program does not allow you to select the carrier system type A31 in the TBDY wizard. 4.6 The condition TotalMdev>0.75Mo given in Equation 4.3 must be met.This ratio is not provided in the project.Therefore, either the condition in Equation 4.3 must be met, or a solution must be made by choosing the carrier system type A15 with high ductility level.
Hello, when I make a high ductile structure solution, it is not sufficient (in the same model). I wanted to ask if I should do it.
The conditions are different when you make a solution by selecting the ductility level High. When Mdev / Mo < 0.40, it is penalized by reducing the building height limit by taking BYS >=3 instead of BYS >=2. Since your structure is within these limits, it does not pose a problem.
Thank you so much. I would like to examine where the rule regarding the penalty you mentioned about the building height limit exists.
"yalin":2hnx4ukz" said:
Thank you very much. I would like to examine where there is the rule regarding the penalty you mentioned about the building height limit.
Please review the second paragraph of Article
Hello, We talked about
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, but it's already over the topic and I think it would be useful to evaluate it. Another issue that we cannot agree on in the regulation is the articles and It is stated that the A23 or A24 system, which has a high ductility level curtain and a limited ductility level frame (the principle of insufficient rigidity of the beams), should be used in a one-way ribbed slab structure. The article in states that in a building using the A23 or A24 system, if the condition Mdev>0.75M0 is not met, the R, D and BYS conditions of the system in A31 will be taken into account. It does not say that your system should be like the A31. This is the reason why it increases the earthquake load 6/4 = 1.5 times and shear forces 2.5 / 2 = 1.25 times, as if there were no curtains in the building. Moreover, on the condition of reducing the height of the building... In an analysis made with ideCAD, when the condition Mdev>0.75M0 is not met, the software should make this warning and offer two suggestions: 1- If the building is BYS=>7 "D=2,5, R= The analysis will be repeated by taking 4. Do you confirm?" should say. 2- If the building is BYS<7, Mdev>0.75M0 condition, you should add a curtain to your carrier system or choose a different carrier system." Similarly, item opens to the same door anyway...
Carrier system selection is a matter left to the supervision of the engineer, provided that the rules and principles specified in the regulation are complied with. All of these rules that are not dependent on the analysis result are controlled in the analysis settings wizard since v10.00. Some other rules may change according to the analysis result. As of the next version, as a result of the analysis, all regulatory conditions will be checked and the user will be warned. According to these warnings, the user either regulates the carrier system or intervenes in the ductility level according to the earthquake regulations. It is on its own initiative. When you make the arrangements and analyze again, the rules are checked again. Review and feedback when v10.17 is released. Mr. Levent had written a detailed answer on this topic before.
"Levent Özpak":3100nw3k" said:
"leave":3100nw3k" said:
The overturning moment control in the analysis report for the curtain+frame system is as in the image. Is there a mistake in the control or is it a point I missed?
If DTS=3,4 and BYS<=7 in the project, you can choose the carrier system type A31 from the TBDY wizard and make a Limited Ductility level solution. (If the earthquake design class and the building height class condition are not met, the program will not allow selecting A31 in the TBDY wizard.) In other cases, a highly ductile solution would be appropriate since Alpham<0.75. In Ver 10.14, there is no control according to the earthquake design class while receiving a report in the limited ductile solution. In the next update, by taking into account the earthquake design classes, the regulation controls made as a result of the analysis have been developed. Ductility level selection is also controlled in the report. Good work
Hello Mr. Ismail, In my message, there is no expression such as ideCAD optional carrier system, maybe you talked to the general public. I mentioned the warning or action that should be given when the rule for the selected carrier system is not provided. If the Mdev>0.75M0 condition of mixed systems is not met, if the user goes and selects A31, the report is printed as if the system is A31. However, when the rule is not provided, software analysis has to be repeated with user approval and needs to change R and D values. In the report, it is stated that the system is A2X but the R and D values were changed because the condition was not met. I'm looking forward to v10.17. Good work.
Hello Mr. Erhan, In v10.16 you have, the controls have been added in the tipping moment report. You can test situations similar to what you wrote or wrote. The messages given in the tipping moment report were added to the report title at 10.17. According to the test situation, you can send us an e-mail with the sample project if necessary.