Creating All Reinforced Concrete Drawings at Once on the Same Sheet


New Member
It would be a very useful feature to create these drawings sequentially instead of taking drawings such as Basic-Application-Pattern Plan etc. one by one and then putting them in order on the same sheet. Do you have any work in this direction?
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings on the Same Sheet at Once Looks like a very good idea. There is a similar feature in ideÇelik. But there is a correction valid for all programs in reinforced concrete. Then it becomes difficult to master the drawing, which is too large, on the screen. Again, ideBetonarme 8.x has a batch drawing option for detail sheets. In other words, you can get all beam expansions or all other details on a sheet. Column application for all columns already exists in v7.
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings on the Same Sheet at Once What your ganymade friend said is actually a good idea. You may have to spend a lot of time to create a layout. For example, if the user is given a list of rankings, and in this order, the users only decide which detail will be drawn in which order and if the whole sheet is revealed at once, the users of the program will be freed from a serious workload.
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings on the Same Sheet at Once Package programs exist to reduce our workload and I think this feature is very necessary. We spend more time creating and editing layouts than we spend on modelling. If corrections / additions / subtractions are to be made on the drawings by the engineer, it is done anyway.
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings on the Same Sheet at Once You say, then, let's print out as the program gives and use it. Do you mean if I enter the data and the program creates the structure?
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings at Once on the Same Sheet
"saridurmus":38ikv008" said:
You say, let's use the output as the program gives you. Do you mean if I enter the data and the program creates the structure.[ /quote] Of course I'm not saying that. Something similar to what you said already exists in Idecelik. Just like with steel, I just say that we can get drawings on a sheet according to the order we choose while taking the drawing. I think it will save time. Besides, you don't have to send it directly to the printout. You'll do the correction anyway.
Re: Create All Reinforced Concrete Drawings on the Same Sheet at Once It happens if the sheets are aligned in a command after corrections are made. No, the layouts will come out, when you edit later, you will work on larger files, this will be more difficult.