Copy-paste from file


New Member
Hello, there is the "KUTU_KESIT_SON_rv3_mrd" file that I use for ideçelik attached. In this file, when I "copy" the L elements I use for the steps from the file and "paste" the L elements into the same file named "KUTU_KESIT_SON_rv3", HEA profiles appear instead of L elements. what could be the problem? In addition, the C10 column in the data gives an error when the analysis is made due to the B32 inclined beam connected to this column. However, there is no error in the C09 column next to it. However, both beams are connected at the same angle. Column height has nothing to do with it, I tried it and it gives the same error.
Hello there; If you look at the deformations section in the analysis model display, you will notice that the reinforced concrete does not interact correctly with the foundation, and the supports of the steel column are not visible. There is a problem with the short column. For now, do not model the last cornice attached to the short column. Good work.
Dear nurgulkaya, I deleted the column and remodeled it in full size, it still gave the same error. When you delete the B32 oblique element, there is no problem. I don't understand why the B30 element with the same angle and feature right next to it does not give the same trouble. Do you have any suggestions for the error I get in "copy-paste from file"? good work
Hello there; There was an error in your reinforced concrete foundation. Necessary adjustments have been made. You no longer encounter this problem in analysis. Copy-paste from the file seems to be wrong for steel. Error noted. Good work.
I had the same error with copy paste. I said copy and paste an object with a clone in an equal axis system, while there was no problem in the others, in the honeycomb beam column system that I first copied in copy paste, the column height was placed in a different quota from other copies. When I looked at the column, the incorrect column elevation and the elevation of the other copied columns were the same, but when I selected it, it seemed to go down 100 cm. I deleted and re-entered the colon.