Contained Colon Control


New Member
Hello friends, I have been using the other program for 4 years, and I recently bought it in idecad. My question is; a simple 4 columns 4 beams single slab I modeled in 2 programs, I looked at the column enclosure conditions, the calculations are very close to each other, no problem, let's come to my problem, I modeled a complex structure in a known program, I was getting a confined column error in 20 columns. I modeled the same structure approximately, though not exactly, and I did not get a confined column error in any of the columns. I wonder if the problem is in my analysis? Is there a difference between them in my modeling or when calculating? thanks
Hello, If you have solved the structure with mixed ductility level, since the columns will be ductile in the mixed system, column beam shear safety control is not performed as per the regulation. Based on your question, you need to solve the structure with a high ductility level. However, if you share your project, we can write a more precise answer after seeing your project.
Hello, I've modeled 2 projects 1 to 1 as much as I can, so I'm uploading them here so that it looks like there are mold plans and account outputs, please tell me if there are errors in my İdecad Modeling, I've just started
(4/5) You didn't get an R. This should be marked first. This set also affects Vkol values and other analysis results. The polygonal curtain in the middle and other curtains determine the calculation of this structure according to section 4. There are differences between the values found as a result of this calculation and the results of other programs and ideCAD results. While modeling in the other program, you may have modeled the middle polygon curtain and other curtains as rods, or you may have taken the loads differently. Modeling this polygon curtain as a rod and as a shell changes the analysis results. When translated into Turkish, the English equivalent of curtains is "Sliding wall". This building consists of only 4 floors above the basement. Therefore, at this height, these polygon curtains cannot be expected to behave as full rods. The regulation allows this situation. There is no harm in modeling rods in terms of regulation. But as you can see the results can be different. For example, in the S9 column, the Vkol values do not increase systematically from the upper floors to the bottom. It decreases and increases on the way down to the lower floors, and decreases significantly on the ground floor, which is expected behavior. There is no such distribution in the other program. In addition, while solving with ideCAD, you have made a Semi-Rigid solution. In this case, the columns were examined according to both the semi-rigid analysis result and the rigid solution analysis result. There is no such analysis in the other program. Ex and Ex' are rigid and semi-rigid solutions, respectively. As a result, when examined in terms of ideCAD Results, the results are correct, reasonable and normal.
Hello, 1. I manually verified the column beam shear safety for floor S09 : For Ex loading: From column reinforced concrete: The direction of the beam is 3 axis of the column. Shear force values from column dialogs: 2nd floor lower end V3i= 2.1749 tf 1st floor upper end V3j= 2.6996 tf The smaller one Vkol = 2.17 tf K18 beam reinforced concrete right end reinforcement: Top support = 5.34 cm2 Bottom support = 3.39 cm2 As1=5.34 cm2 (upper and lower largest reinforcement area) As2=0 (beam does not continue to the right of the column) Bj = 250 mm h = 30 mm fck = 30 N/mm2 fyk=42828.081 tf/m2 1 Newton = 0.0001019 tf. Ve = 1.25 fyk (As1+As2) - Vkol Ve= 1.25 * 4.283 * (5.34 + 0) - 2.17 Ve = 26.42 tf For unconfined column: Vmax = 1.0 * h* bj* root (fck) ( units N and mmm) Vmax = 250 * 300 * root (30) * 0.0001019 Vmax = 41.89 tf Vmax > And Delivering Bj, h and from TBDY 2018 for other formulas
"Fuat1":31fymvwh" said:
Thank you very much, if you have any other mistakes in modeling, I would appreciate if you could tell me. Have a nice day
Hello, -The jeans of P13 and P15 curtains on the ground and normal floors seem to be wrong (P13 and P15 curtains have upper elevation and level values should be zero. The upper level value should be zero on the ground floor as well) -Beams connected to the curtains in a rigid direction should be connected from the internal nodal points of the curtain. -I recommend selecting the option "creating a rigid diaphragm" from the properties of the D05 slab at +55 level on the basement floor. -In the final analysis, the curtain and We recommend analyzing by reducing the slab finite element widths (eg 25 cm).
well, sir, when I give the shop floors and beams - do I have to lower the tops of the columns and the tops of the curtains? In this project, I had to drop the upper levels of the columns, this time the lower levels of the columns on an upper floor - I wonder what the right design would be so that they are connected to each other, thank you for this.
"Fuat1":3b14rutp" said:
so, when I give elevation to shop floors and beams - do I have to lower the upper levels of the columns and the tops of the curtains? In this project, I had to lower the upper levels of the columns, this time the lower levels of the columns on the next floor - I wonder how the right design will be so that they are connected to each other, thank you
Hello, The levels of the carrier elements connecting to each other should be compatible with each other. If you gave a negative upper level to the column on one floor, vertical continuity should be ensured by giving a negative level on the next floor. In the project you added, for example, on the first floor, the P15 curtain is given a negative upper level, but the elements they are attached to are at the floor level. In this case, the upper level value of the curtain should also be zero.
Hello, I will ask one more question, now let's assume that we give the height of the basement from +1.20 (4.2m), which is the entrance of the building, and the shop level is +0.00. I wonder if this creates a problem in terms of analysis, what could be the solution, thank you
"Fuat1":2mvjeth6" said:
Hi, I'll ask another question, now let's assume that the height of the basement floor is +1.20(4.2m), which is the entrance of the building, and the shop level is +0.00. we choose, but in fact, most or almost all of my curtains are 3m high, I wonder if this creates a problem in terms of analysis, if so, what could be the solution thank you
level, the storey height can be arranged as 3 meters, and the elements at different elevations can be entered in such a way that a positive level is given on the relevant floor and a lower level is provided on the next floor.
"Levent Özpak":78t0irtr" said:
"Fuat1":78t0irtr" said:
Hi, let me ask you another question, now let's assume that the height of the basement floor is +1.20(4.2m), which is the building entrance, and the shop level is +0.00 When choosing the basement rigidity, we choose the 4.2m we entered as the basement height, but in fact, most, even almost all of my curtains are 3m high, does this pose a problem in terms of analysis, if it does, what could be the solution? Thank you
Hello, If the elevations of the load-bearing elements are arranged correctly, the analysis model no problem for it. In addition, if most of the load-bearing elements on the floor are at +3.00 elevation, the floor height can be arranged as 3 meters, and data entry can be made to ensure low continuity by giving the elements at different elevations a positive elevation on the relevant floor and an elevation on the next floor. Good work
I understood, then giving -jeans or +denims does not constitute a problem in terms of design, thank you very much