Console issue


New Member
Hello, I left 50 cm consoles on both sides of the structure in the structure I am drawing, I threw the purlins and the cladding on the scissors, the plating did not cover the console part because it covered the purlin borders, how can I solve it?
Hello there; The importance of the coating is to fully affect the wind loads on the system. For this reason, as you can see in the image in the purlin menu, activate the add purlin option and model the cladding on the purlin and purlin, regardless of the overlap with the junction plate. Edit before drawing by removing the last purlin again or using the required offset values. Or you can also define a covering that rests directly on the beams for the console section using the polygonal covering option. The attached images and the command line in the program will help. Pictures will help. Good work.
Thank you for your answer. I'm trying to fit the veneer to the purlins I put on the scissors, there are scissor consoles, even if I add an element to the last gap, it does not exceed the end point of the scissors. A second problem, which I am not sure about, is how do we define the load in the coating? When we select one of the available skins in the library, is the overlay load defined automatically? Is there a need to add snow load next to the live load? Is a definition correct as I have shown in the picture below? The project is attached:
Hello there; First of all, you seem to have defined an incorrect connection between the truss and the column. Change the combinations as you will find in the attached images. Apart from this, you need to make some changes in the analysis settings and scissors settings. First of all, you know that the new TURKISH STEEL REGULATION has been published instead of TS 648. For this reason, do not use this very old regulation, which gives unfavorable results. Use the same ASD method as the new Steel regulation. At the same time, ductility level can be used as normal and R coefficients of 5 for such industrial structures. TDY 2007 allows this. A high level of ductility will not help you achieve economic results. * Regarding loads, the unit weight of the coating is between 5-25 kg in the tables of IMO or in other documents you can find on the internet. Enter this load according to the material properties of the coating you use. Snow and live loads are summarized in TS 498. Please refer to the relevant tables. Check out the attached images. Watch the 5 training videos in the link, webinar 1-5. It will help you with the program.
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Good work.