Connecting the column with a curtain at one end and a beam at the other


New Member
Greetings, If the same column is connected with a curtain at one end and a beam at the other, will there be a problem in the static calculation? As seen in the attached picture.
Re: You can model the same column with a curtain at one end and a beam at the other end ba Hello No, it's okay. An analysis model will be created as in the attached picture.
Re: same column with curtain at one end and beam at the other end ba Thanks, I always remember the need to intersect the principal nodes and curtain wedding points. In this system, do I have to define the wall column joint point at the end of the column, pass the basic joint points there and give the eccentricity of the continuous base a little more?
The modeling I suggested in my answer above is valid for basement curtains and column connections. If this system will continue on all floors, model the columns as curtains and select the "Short head curtain" option in the Curtain / Reinforcement settings. Then select these three curtains and define "Group name". To define a continuous foundation across the screen Define the continuous basis by capturing the curtain nodes. You can adjust the foundation width and offset to cover the columns.