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New Member
Dear forum CURRENTLY ID when a final version entered with'm a project differences of multiples of the matches he column reinforcement in the old version of 80x30 cm size A COLUMN (ground floor 380C AND OTHER LAYERS at 280C clearance is not condition and the four-ply structure) GROUND KETT exaggerated COLUMN NUMBER COMES SO 12F14 + 28F14 BE REGISTERED wITH 40 PIECES BUT tHE UPPER fLOORS iN tHE SAME OWNER in the COLUMN NUMBER COMES tO COLLECT in 16Fİ14 SYSTEM iN COLUMN saves TORSIONAL are NORMAL BUT ME OWNER QUANTITY THAN GELDİ.DİG is VERSION in GENERALLY ALL fLOORS iN tHE SAME OWNER has INTEREST AMOUNT oF ACABA LATEST VERSION with COLUMN SETTING tHE DIFFERENCE iS cHANGED to knowing the OR I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE YOUR INFORMATION WITH ME ABOUT THIS EQUIPMENT DISPUTE. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR INTEREST