Column reinforced concrete design forces


New Member
In the Column Reinforced Concrete Design, the load combination with the most calculated reinforcement area is used. The load combination used is shown in the appendix. When I look at the moments and axial force of this load combination, I see that they do not match with those in the section effects section. Why doesn't it match? I'm asking for help from friends who know something that's confusing me, thank you
Hello, the values shown in 3 dimensions are the raw values obtained as a result of the analysis. Reinforced concrete design is the values that are enlarged as required by the regulations. In the reinforced concrete dialog, you can select as design results and raw results. As one of the new features that came with version 10, there are two results with + and - eccentricity in Ex and Ey earthquake loading results. In the reinforced concrete dialog, Ex, Ey values do not appear as two values, but as a single maximum value. As a result of this, 4 different values are processed in the background in combinations as Ex + 0.3Ey or Ey + 0.3Ex, the most negative of these values (the combination that creates the most reinforcement requirement) appears in the design. In the table where all the results are shown in the reinforced concrete dialog, the maximum values of the relevant combination are shown. This may not always be the most unfavorable situation (especially since two-way bending calculations are made under axial force in columns), but it may be one of the different combinations processed in the background. In your example, the combination based on the column calculation has been one of the combinations processed in the background.
Hakan, thank you for your information. As far as I understand, in combinations with earthquake loads, 2 separate earthquake forces are determined due to - + eccentric loads, and in fact, 2 different combinations occur automatically in each combination with earthquake loads. These are seen as the cross-section effects of the combination containing the maximum force in the section effects shown in the 3D menu. The other combination is calculated in the background. However, since the calculation is made according to the combination that creates the most reinforcement area in the column reinforced concrete calculation and this combination is the combination calculated in the background, we cannot see it in the section effects. However, we can see the design-based combinations and values in the reinforced concrete dialog menu. In addition, we can see spectrum 1 and spectrum 2 sub-options and -+ eccentric states from the 3D section effects menu in only EX and EY loads. Please correct me if I misunderstood what I wrote. Thank you again Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
"ersandrn":dovgwmr8" said:
However, since the calculation is made according to the combination that creates the most reinforcement area in the column reinforced concrete calculation, and this combination is the combination calculated in the background, we cannot see it in the section effects. However, we can see the combinations and values based on the design in the reinforced concrete dialog menu. SM- Sent from my N910C using Tapatalk.