Column-Beam shear safety


New Member
Hello.. There was a project I drew when the 10th version came out, then there was an update or something and now I made some changes in the project. In almost the same project, I am having an exaggerated problem in the column-beam junction shear safety compared to the previous project. For example, only one beam (30/50) is mounted on the 30 cm section of the column with the size of 110-30, and column-beam shear safety is not provided. I would be very happy if someone could help.
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From your message, it seems as if there was no problem in the previous version, but after the update the problem occurred. However, B problem is expected in columns with high ductility level where beams adjacent to the column edge join in the direction of the short side. Columns that do not provide column-beam shear safety in your project are also columns with the same combination. However, if you add the first project you mentioned, we can compare. In particular, the short sides of the columns on the A and G axis should be enlarged and/or the width of the beams connected to the column from the short side should be increased. Increasing the concrete grade also helps in providing column beam shear safety control. Your project with column beam shear safety is attached. You can use it or it can help if you want to go for system change. Ground floor plan: Column beam shear safety check after corrections: Corrected project link:
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Thank you, Mr. Khan. I was wondering if the problem is caused by something else. When the column thicknesses increase after revising the old project, the contractor will probably talk. In the past, all the columns on the A axis were 30 cm, for example, 40 cm saved in this project. Still, thank you for your help.
If your old project was made in the new regulation, if you add that project, we can compare. If your old project was done with the old regulation, the column-beam shear safety maximum capacity (Vmax) value has been reduced by 33% for BS25, for example in unenclosed joints. It has been made difficult to obtain.
Hakan, I added the old project I drew in the new version. In the old project, concrete grade C25 saves even though the beams are 30/50 and we give a few cm of thread. In the revised project, let alone a few cm of threading, you made the concrete grade C35, you made some beams 35/60, but this way saved it. (Look specifically at the A axis)
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You have solved your project 10.05. I opened the project in 10.09 and analyzed it. Column beam shear safety control values were the same as 10.05 and saved. You have increased the Bj value by threading the columns (bj=34 cm). You didn't give any teeth in your project when you added it last. (bj=30cm) Values for column S02:
The column misalignments and beam widths of your old project and your new project are not the same. Look at columns S24-S25 and the beams attached to it. The beam between the S24-S25 columns is 30 cm in your old project and 25 cm in your new project. In this context, you can make comparisons for all columns by taking the screenshots I added above as an example. For a 4cm difference, you should think in terms of areal, not length. 34*30= 1020 cm2 in one and 30*30=900 cm2 in the other contributes approximately 13% to the control value.