Column-Beam Joint Safety


New Member
Hello Mr. When idecad officials made a general analysis in the project I have attached, there is no problem in the shearing safety of column beams. However, when I tried to get a general report again after taking the quantity, I saw the insecure text on some columns. I encountered this problem in several projects before this. The version I am using is v5.511 professional nc
In the optional reports, the element end forces are not marked. It is still displayed even if I only get the column-beam joint safety report.4. earthquake loading 2nd floor S05 and S13 As I said in the previous message, if I take the quantity and then try to get a report, I encounter such a problem.
As a result of the quantity, the existing reinforcements of the K29 and K20 beams change somewhat. This change affects the As values to the column-beam shear safety. The reason why it is written as unsafe after the quantity is this change in the current Aces... Of course, we have to take into account the values before the quantity. You, our users using 5.511, can get the quantity at the end of the project, or you can analyze once after the quantity and edit the reports in that way.
So you're saying these errors will continue to happen. Thanks for your help, keep up the good work...
Hello again, As it is known, the work on the 5th version is not continuing... All the works on the 5th version are now available as the 6th version... Good work...