Column beam B error


New Member
hi guys, I'm getting ---3 errors. how can i fix them? --- What are your opinions and suggestions about something you see wrong or how it can be modeled more correctly? good work.
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Hi, tie beams are required for rib slabs exceeding -4m. For this, you can model it as a cassette slab and define it by adjusting the tooth spacing in one direction. - If you are going to use hollow brick in rib flooring, you need to add its weight to the coating loads. -The wall loads on the slab are not entered. In a semi-rigid diaphragm, you can define the wall loads on the slab as linear slab loads. - Examine the attached document on column beam joint shear safety errors.
Tie beam is required for rib slabs exceeding
-4m. For this, you can model it as a cassette slab and define it by adjusting the tooth spacing in one direction. - If you are going to use hollow brick in rib flooring, you need to add its weight to the coating loads. -The wall loads on the slab are not entered. In a semi-rigid diaphragm, you can define the wall loads on the slab as linear slab loads. -Check the attached document about column beam joint shear safety errors.