Column and Beam errors


New Member
Hello, In my project, I cannot provide shear safety in my kz23 beam with the combination of S02 and S10 columns. What should I do ?
I was able to fix the column, deflection and offset errors, but I can't balance the shearing force on that short column (K22). Whatever I do gives an error. I would like to ask someone who has sufficient knowledge on this subject to guide me.
Hello --" but to this short column(K22)"" I think you are talking about the KZ22 beam, --the most practical solution is to increase the height (I don't know the architectural project, but there is no such thing as the beam heights of the whole project will be the same.) --KZ23 beam is very The shorter P01 curtain can be combined with the S10 column. (There may be a curtain between the e, f axis.) --avoid short beams --you can solve column (B) errors by pulling the column to the right or left, --Consider the stair load, Take it easy Ünver ÖZCAN