Closing the program after analyzing the demo version of the program


New Member
Hello, I made a static project by myself to learn. However, when I come to the analysis section and say analyze (Analysis+Design F9), a box opens and the processes are listed. The program closes in what it calls the Ritz Method. Where am I going wrong or is there a problem with the program? I am attaching the file. I'll be happy if you can help me.
Re: The program does not close when you analyze the demo version of the program Hello, The project you have added can be analyzed on our computers. Your computer may not have enough memory. If you call our Bursa office tomorrow, we can examine it in more detail with remote access. Good work
Re: When I analyze the demo version program, the program closes I have 16 GB ram and i7 8 generation processor. I don't think it's from the computer, I'll call tomorrow thank you.
Re: The program does not close when I analyze the demo version of the program Greetings, I found the solution by creating a new user. I don't understand, the same applications are installed, the problem is fixed when I log in as a guest. Thank you for your interest.