Carrier System Type Warning


New Member
Hello.. In my project, the curtains in the x direction work as an "L" shaped group with the curtains in the Y direction. However, if there is no independent curtain in the X direction, the report gives a warning as "There must be a curtain in the X direction". So when we define it as a group, I guess the program doesn't perceive it as curtains. So, I get 7 instead of 8, right?
Hello there; Can you send your project where you say that this situation has occurred? Let's check on the project and get back to you, it will be healthier. Good work.
The project is attached. I would be very grateful if you have the opportunity to return early. I encountered this situation when I made a small change in the project, and I need to print out a revised version as soon as possible.
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Hello, the P1-P2 curtains you gave in the X direction do not meet the curtain requirement. If you make it in 30/180 size, it meets the curtain requirement. If you want to make a solution in the current situation, choose Rx=8 in the X direction and Ry=7 in the Y direction from the wizard. Tick ticks in both directions at -3 basement floors in floor general settings. Unver ÖZCAN
We do not meet the curtain requirement, but we equip it according to the curtain. The reinforcement is according to the curtain, but in the selection of the carrier system, the acceptance is according to the column. We cannot combine curtain-column as far as I remember (according to 2018 direction).
"huseyinakkus56":1ohvk5mn" said:
We do not meet the curtain requirement, but we equip it according to the curtain. The reinforcement is according to the curtain, but in the selection of the carrier system, the acceptance is according to the column. As far as I remember, we cannot combine the curtain-column (according to 2018 direction). Do you think this is healthy?
If the columns are longer than 1/3 in the long direction, it is convenient to make the column reinforcements more densely at the ends in terms of economy. Therefore, it is beneficial to equip your polygon carriers like curtains. The regulation also says to equip them like curtains. Other In terms of polygon curtains, if none of the arms meets the curtain requirement in one direction, as here, it is open to interpretation whether it is considered a curtain system in that direction or not. As ideYAPI, our and my interpretation is as follows; In the regulation, there is a condition of 1/6 for the carrier to be considered a curtain, but in polygon curtains, at least one of the arms one can use shorter curtains provided that this condition is met. we know. And we equip pu polygon curtains in curtain reinforcement conditions. Based on this logic, in order for the system to be considered curtained, there must be at least one polygon curtain arm that meets the 1/6 condition in that direction.